
Plastic Surgery

Chin & Cheek Implants

Chin & Cheek Implants

As a human interested in enhancing your facial features, you may have come across the option of chin and cheek implants through research or consultation with a plastic surgeon. While these procedures are not as commonly discussed as other facial surgeries such as rhinoplasty or facelifts, chin and cheek implants can make a significant impact on the overall appearance of your face. In this article, we will explore the basics of chin and cheek implants, including what they are, why someone may choose to get them, and what to expect from the surgery and recovery process.

What Are Chin and Cheek Implants?

Chin and cheek implants are surgical procedures that involve the insertion of specially designed implants to enhance the chin or cheekbones. These implants are typically made of silicone, but alternative materials such as hydroxyapatite or Gore-Tex may also be used. The implants are custom-made to fit each patient’s unique face shape and size, and are available in a variety of different shapes and sizes to achieve the desired result. Chin and cheek implant surgeries are typically performed under general anesthesia and take about one to two hours to complete.

Why Get Chin and Cheek Implants?

People choose to get chin and cheek implants for a variety of reasons. Some may feel that their facial features are too weak or recessed, making them self-conscious about their appearance. Others may have experienced facial trauma or have a genetic condition that affects their facial structure. Chin and cheek implants can improve the balance and symmetry of the face, creating a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. They can also help to create a more youthful and defined look by restoring volume to areas that may have lost elasticity due to aging. Ultimately, the decision to get chin and cheek implants is a personal one, and should be made after careful consideration and consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon.

Preparation for Surgery

If you are considering chin and cheek implant surgery, it is important to prepare in advance in order to ensure the best possible outcome. This may include:

  1. Consulting with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss your goals and expectations, as well as any potential risks or complications associated with the procedure.
  2. Avoiding certain medications, supplements, and foods that may increase your risk of bleeding or interfere with anesthesia.
  3. Quitting smoking at least two weeks prior to surgery, as smoking can interfere with healing and increase the risk of complications.
  4. Arranging for a ride home after the procedure, as you will not be able to drive yourself.
  5. Preparing your recovery area with necessary supplies such as ice packs, gauze, and comfortable clothing.
  6. Taking time off work or other responsibilities to allow for adequate rest and recovery time following the procedure. 

Your plastic surgeon will provide you with detailed instructions regarding how to properly prepare for your chin and cheek implant surgery. It is important to follow these instructions as closely as possible to ensure the best possible outcome.

Procedure Overview

Chin and cheek implant surgery typically involves the following steps:

  • Anesthesia: You will be given general anesthesia to ensure that you are comfortable and pain-free throughout the procedure.
  • Incision: The plastic surgeon will make a small incision either inside your mouth (for chin implants) or in your hairline (for cheek implants).
  • Implant insertion: The surgeon will gently insert the implant through the incision and into the desired location on the chin or cheek.
  • Suturing: The incision will be closed using sutures, surgical glue, or tape.
  • Recovery: You will be monitored in the recovery room for a period of time before being released to go home.

The length of the surgery and recovery time can vary depending on the extent of the procedure and your individual recovery. Your surgeon will provide you with detailed instructions regarding what to expect before, during, and after surgery.

Recovery Process

After chin and cheek implant surgery, you can expect a recovery period of about one to two weeks. During this time, it is important to follow these guidelines to ensure a smooth recovery:

  1. Rest: Get plenty of rest and avoid strenuous activities for the first week after surgery.
  2. Pain management: Take pain medication as prescribed by your surgeon to manage any discomfort.
  3. Swelling and bruising: Swelling and bruising are common after surgery; use ice packs and keep your head elevated to help reduce them.
  4. Diet: Stick to a soft food diet for the first few days after surgery, and gradually reintroduce solid foods as tolerated.
  5. Oral hygiene: Be diligent about keeping your mouth clean to reduce the risk of infection.
  6. Follow-up appointments: Attend all follow-up appointments with your surgeon to ensure that the healing process is going smoothly and to address any concerns or complications.

It is important to remember that every patient’s recovery process is unique, and it may take several weeks or months to see the full results of your chin and cheek implant surgery. Be patient and follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully for the best possible outcome.

Risks and Complications

As with any surgery, there are risks and potential complications associated with chin and cheek implant surgery. Some of the most common risks include:

  1. Infection
  2. Bleeding
  3. Hematoma (bleeding under the skin)
  4. Nerve damage
  5. Movement or displacement of the implant
  6. Pain and discomfort
  7. Scarring

However, the vast majority of patients who undergo chin and cheek implant surgery do not experience any serious complications.

To reduce the risk of complications, it is important to choose a qualified plastic surgeon who is experienced in performing chin and cheek implant surgery. Be sure to discuss any concerns or questions you may have with your surgeon before the procedure.

Cost of Chin and Cheek Implants

The cost of chin and cheek implant surgery can vary depending on a number of factors, including the surgeon’s experience and geographic location, the type of implant used, and the extent of the procedure. On average, chin implant surgery can cost between $2,000 and $4,000, while cheek implant surgery can cost between $3,000 and $5,000. 

It is important to remember that these costs do not include any additional fees associated with anesthesia, facility fees, or follow-up appointments. Most health insurance plans do not cover the cost of cosmetic procedures such as chin and cheek implant surgery, so it is important to consider the financial implications before deciding to undergo the procedure. 

However, many plastic surgeons offer financing options such as payment plans or medical credit cards to help make the cost of chin and cheek implant surgery more manageable. Be sure to discuss your options with your surgeon before making a final decision.

Alternatives to Chin and Cheek Implants

If you are considering chin and cheek implants but are unsure if this is the right option for you, there are several non-surgical alternatives that may be worth exploring. These include:

  1. Dermal fillers: Injectables such as Juvederm or Restylane can be used to add volume to the chin or cheek area, without the need for surgery. These fillers are temporary and will need to be repeated every few months to maintain the desired result.
  2. Fat transfer: A fat transfer procedure involves removing fat from another area of the body (such as the abdomen) and injecting it into the chin or cheek area. This is a surgical procedure, but it does not involve the use of implants.
  3. Botox: A skilled injector can use Botox to subtly shape and enhance the chin or cheek area, creating a more lifted and defined look.

It is important to discuss all of your options with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine which approach is best for achieving your desired results.


Chin and cheek implant surgery is a cosmetic procedure that can have a significant impact on the overall appearance of the face. While it is not without risks, it can be an effective solution for those looking to enhance the balance and symmetry of their facial features. 

If you are considering chin and cheek implant surgery, be sure to do your research and choose a qualified plastic surgeon with experience in performing these procedures. Take the time to prepare for the surgery and follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully during the recovery process to ensure the best possible outcome. 

Remember, there are also non-surgical alternatives available for those who are hesitant to undergo surgery. Ultimately, the decision to get chin and cheek implants is a personal one that should be made after careful consideration and consultation with a qualified professional.


  1. Mayo Clinic. (2019). Chin Surgery. Retrieved from
  2. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. (2019). Cheek Implants. Retrieved from
  3. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. (2019). Chin Surgery. Retrieved from
  4. WebMD. (2018). Cheek Augmentation Surgery. Retrieved from
  5. WebMD. (2018). Chin Augmentation Surgery. Retrieved from

This page is not advice and is intended to be informational only. Consult your physician before undertaking any surgical procedures.

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